What to watch-for when studding SHOES


Before studding a shoe, it is VERY IMPORTANT to check that the shoe is suitable for studding, and that you have chosen the correct studs for that particular shoe.  (Boots are much more compatible because they have thick rubber soles with tall rubber lugs.)

A shoe should only be studded IF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET:

  • Sole thickness is greater than the stud screw penetration length (10.7mm on Long studs, 7.9mm on Short studs)  Remove the insole when measuring sole thickness.
  • Inner-sole must be solid (not waffled).  See video below "Pick the Best Shoes for Studding"
  • Sole layers are well glued (not delaminating)

A good riding shoe, that is compatible with screw-in studs, will accept the studs firmly and will hold them fast for years and years.

Nervous about studding your favorite shoes? Stud an old pair first, to try iNVRS the system.

​​​Shop the iNVRS Inverted Flat Pedal System HERE



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